
1post world war i suggested artists - max

1. Post World War I: Suggested artists - Max Beckmann, Otto Dix and George Grosz, or the Expressionists (working after WWI). TOPIC: Discuss the affects of war experience on each of these artists and how it is reflected in their work. How are their approaches to the subject similar or different?

2. North American Modernism: Suggested artists - Marsden Hartley, Joseph Stella and Stuart Davis. TOPIC: How does their art truly reflect America during the time it was produced (and American art in general)? What influenced each artist in their approach to the American subject?

3. The Mexican Muralists: Suggested artists - Jose Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera. TOPIC: You might compare the work of these two artists, as they take very different approaches to creating a "national identity" for Mexico. Be sure you are discussing these artists within the context of their contrasting viewpoints.

4. Depression Era Photography: Suggested artists - Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, Gordon Parks. TOPIC: Discuss the relationship of their photography to the plight of the U.S. during this period in history. Make a comparison between these photographers and their approach to the subject.

5. Soviet Socialist Realism: Suggested artists - AleksandrGerasimov and AleksandrDeineka. TOPIC: What is the purpose Soviet Socialist Realism and how is it articulated through the art? How does each artists handle the topic similarily or differently?

6. The Degenerate Art exhibtion and Hitler's "Great German Art" exhibition: TOPIC: Discuss the art in general from each exhibit in compare/contrast form. Use specific artistic examples to substantiate information. Give good background to Hitler's reasoning for creating these exhibitions.

7. The Spanish Civil War: Picasso's Guernica. TOPIC: Why did Picasso go back to Cubism to create this piece? Discuss technique, style, size, subject, political motivation, etc. in details with examples from the painting as they reflect his subject, as well as his response to the event that led to its creation.

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Humanities: 1post world war i suggested artists - max
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