
1nbsptruenbspor false sensor output is in analog

Pages 467-468, problems 1, 5, 11, 12, 35, 38

1. True or false. Sensor output is in analog.

5. True or false. An ADC with 8 channels of analog input must have 8 pins, one for each analog input.

11. Which of the following ADC sizes provides the best resolution?

(a) 8-bit

(b) 10-bit

(c) 12-bit

(d) 16-bit

(e) They are all the same.

12. In Problem 11, which provides the smallest step size?

35. With Vrh = 2.56 V and Vrl = Gnd, find the Vin for the following outputs:.

 (a) D9-D0 = 1111111111 =

(b) D9-D0 = 1000000001 =

(c) D9-D0 = 1100110000 =

38. How do we start conversion in the HCS12?

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Other Engineering: 1nbsptruenbspor false sensor output is in analog
Reference No:- TGS01421265

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