
1nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp which one is a protease inhibitor

1)      Which one is a protease inhibitor ?

a)      DDT       b)  Thiourea       c)  PMSF       d)  SDS


2)      A non specific protease is ?

a)      Pronase      b)  Trypsin       c)  Chymotrypsin        d)  Glu-C


3)      The Tandem mass analyzer not used in ESI source is ?

a)      Triple quadrupole   b)  Ion trap   c)  Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance MS   d)  TOF


4)      Which is not a physical Map?

a)      Chromosomal map      b)  Radiation Hybrid map      c)  Linkage map      d)  Sequence map


5)      Gene finding or prediction is an important application of ?

a)      Functional genomics    b)  Structural genomics    c)  Comparative genomics    d)  Proteomics


6)      Sanger's dideoxy nucleotide method is also called ?

a)      Maxam gilbert method  b)SAGE  c)Dye terminator sequencing  d)Chain termination method  


7)      Microarray technology evolved from ?

a)      Western blotting    b)  Southern blotting    c)  Northern blotting    d)  SDS - PAGE ?


8)      Whole genome shotgun sequencing was done in ?

a)      Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR)

b)      European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)

c)       DOE-Joint Genome Institute

d)      National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

9)      The initiation of Human genome project took place in ?

a)      1990       b)  1980       c)  1947       d)  1981


10)   2',3' - dideoxynucleotide triphosphates (ddNTPs ) molecules differ from deoxynucleotides by having a H atom attached  at which position to the carbon rather than an OH group ?

a)      2'       b)  2', 3'       c)  3'       d)  None


11)   The program or algorithm that can be used for peptide mass fingerprinting is ?

a)      MS-tag      

b)       Sequest      

c)       Mascot      

d)      SALSA


12)   The Microarray technique also called Capture array ?

a)      Reverse Phase protein Microarray

b)      Functional protein Microarray

c)       Analytical Microarray

d)      DNA Microarray


13)   The BAC to BAC method for sequencing the human genome is a ?

a)      Map based method

b)      Word method

c)       Distance based method

d)      Fragment based method


14)   Tumor classification is done by which type of Microarray type ?

a)      Expression analysis

b)      Protein microarray

c)       DNA microarray

d)      Comparative Genome Hybridization ( CGH )

15)   All the steps are required for in-gel digestion except ?

a)      Reduction and Alkylation

b)      Destaining

c)       Proteolytic cleavage

d)      Ionization


16)   Tandem Affinity Purification requires fusion of which tag to the target protein of interest ?

a)      His tag      

b)       Streptavidin tag      

c)        Myc tag      

d)       TAP tag


17)   Cyanine dyes that are commonly used fluorophores with microarray are Cy ?

a)      3 , 5       b)  2 , 3       c)  5 , 6       4)  5 , 2


18)   The 20 KDa protein with 20 protons in a solution will have a m/z ratio of ?

a)      1001       b)  1002       c)  40       d)  20


19)   Which method is used for analysis of gene expression pattern ?

a)      Microarray

b)       SAGE     

c)       Northern Blotting      

d)       Maxam Gilbert method


20)   The methods used by molecular biologists to produce snapshot of m-RNA in a sample of interest in the form of small tags is  ?

a)      PAGE        

b)       Reverse Transcription      

c)        Microarray      

d)       SAGE

1)      Answer c) PMSF


Phenylmethyl Sulfonyl Fluoride is a serine protease inhibitor that prevents protein degradation.

2)      Answer a) Pronase

Pronase , Subtilysin , Proteinase K , Pepsin are non specific protease and Trypsin ,Chymotrypsin , Glu-c , Lys C , Asp N are specific proteases.

3)      Answer d) TOF (Time Of Flight )

4)      Answer c) Linkage map

Linkage map is a genetic map which is a representation of genes on a chromosome arrayed in linear order with distances between loci expressed as percent recombination.

Chromosomal map , Rdiation map and Sequence map are three types of physical maps.

5)      Answer c) Comparative genomics

6)      Answer d) Chain termination method

7)      Answer b) Southern blotting

8)      Answer a) Institute for genomic research ( TIGR )

9)      Answer a) 1990

10)   Answer c) 3'

11)   Answer c) Mascot

Mascot program uses the probability based MOWSE algorithm for identification of proteins from ESI Tandem MS Data. MS-Tag program was originally developed for analysis of PSD spectra obtained in MALDI-TOF analyses of peptides. Sequest is the first algorithm to identify proteins by matching MS-MS data to database sequences. SALSA is an algorithm for mining specific features of Tandem MS Data.

12)   Answer c) Analytical microarray

13)   Answer a) Map based method

14)   Answer d) Comparative Genome Hybridization

15)   Answer d) Ionization

Four steps used in in-gel digestion are

1)      Destaining

2)       Reduction

3)      Alkylation

4)       Proteolytic cleavage.

16)   Answer d) TAP -tag

17)   Answer a) 3 , 5

18)   Answer a) 1001

The absolute mass of a singly protonated 20 KDa protein (m/z) is 20,001. The 20 KDa protein however in a solution accepts 10-30 protons.

The m/z ratio of this protein in a solution will then be 20,020/20 = 1001.

19)   Answer b) SAGE

20)   Answer d) SAGE

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Mathematics: 1nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp which one is a protease inhibitor
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