
1name and characterize the main source working regimes and

1.Name and characterize the main source working regimes and write down working regime conditions .

2.Write down the electrical source efficiency factor expression using the parameters of the source and consumer .Analyze the dependence between the source working regime and the efficiency factor.

3.What types of the electrical connections in the circle are called simple ?What is main difference from the complex connection?

4.Write down the circuit electrical state equation consisting of three serially connected resistors ans expression of equivalent conductivity of the circuit.

5..Write down the circuit electrical state equation consisting of three parallel connected resistors ans expression of equivalent conductivity of the circuit.

6.Write down the equivalent resistance of the circuit with mixed connected resistors (parallel-rerial and serial-parallel )

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Electrical Engineering: 1name and characterize the main source working regimes and
Reference No:- TGS0592232

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