1lot the quantities calculated in parts a through c of

1. Plot the quantities calculated in parts (a) through (c) of Problem 10.43 versus the compressor pressure ratio ranging from 3 to 6. Repeat for compressor and turbine isentropic efficiencies of 90%, 85%, and 80%.

2. An ideal Brayton refrigeration cycle has a compressor pressure ratio of 6. At the compressor inlet, the pressure and temperature of the entering air are 20 lbf/in.2 and 4608R. The temperature at the inlet of the turbine is 7008R. For a refrigerating capacity of 15 tons, determine

(a) the mass flow rate, in lb/min.

(b) the net power input, in Btu/min.

(c) the coefficient of performance.

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Mechanical Engineering: 1lot the quantities calculated in parts a through c of
Reference No:- TGS01259138

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