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The purpose of this experiment is to examine the operation of loops and their close equivalent, subroutines.


1. How many times does each loop execute?

2. Assemble and link to create LOOPS.EXE. Run the program.

3. Comment out the PUSH AX and POP AX instructions. Re-assemble, link, and run. Comment on any changes. Explain how the changes, if any, occurred.

4. Put the PUSH AX and POP AX instructions back in.

5. Take instructions from inside the loop and place them in a subroutine (or procedure). Thus, the loop will call the subroutine once each pass. Only instructions that directly control the looping should stay.

6. Assemble, link, and run the program. You should get the same results. Email the final ASM file.

7. Assemble and link to create LOOPS2.EXE. Run the program. Explain why the loop pass counter value shown is correct.

8. This file contains errors! Edit the file to correct the errors, then assemble, link, and run. Warning! The program may assemble and link correctly and still have errors that may crash your DOS window. The correct result in AL is 7.

9. Submit your findings.

Downloaded copy of Program LOOPS.ASM: Count the number of passes through a loop.


        .MODEL SMALL


LOOPS   DW    ?

MSG     DB    'The number of loop passes is '


THOUS   DB    ?

HUNS    DB    ?

TENS    DB    ?

ONES    DB    ?

        DB    0DH,0AH,'$'




        MOV   AX,0      ;clear loop pass counter


;place user loop code here.

;Make sure INC  AX is inside the innermost loop.


        MOV   BX,0FF98H


        MOV   CX,1234H

        MOV   DX,5678H

        XOR   CX,DX

        MOV   AX,9ABCH

        XOR   CX,AX

        POP   AX

        INC   AX                ;increment loop pass counter

        DEC   BX

        JNZ   BAK


;end of user loop code


        MOV   LOOPS,AX          ;display the loop pass counter

        CALL  BTOD

        LEA   DX,MSG 

        MOV   AH,9

        INT   21H




        MOV   AX,LOOPS    ;load binary input value

        SUB   DX,DX

        MOV   BX,10000

        DIV   BX                ;get 10,000s digit

        ADD   AL,30H

        MOV   TENTHOS,AL

        XCHG  AX,DX

        SUB   DX,DX

        MOV   BX,1000           ;get 1,000s digit

        DIV   BX

        ADD   AL,30H

        MOV   THOUS,AL

        XCHG  DX,AX

        MOV   BL,100

        DIV   BL          ;get hundreds digit

        ADD   AL,30H      ;convert into ASCII digit

        MOV   HUNS,AL     ;and save

        XCHG  AL,AH       ;get remainder

        SUB   AH,AH       ;prepare for division by 10

        MOV   BL,10

        DIV   BL          ;get tens digit

        ADD   AL,30H      ;convert into ASCII digit

        MOV   TENS,AL     ;and save

        ADD   AH,30H      ;convert ones digit into ASCII

        MOV   ONES,AH     ;and save




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Electrical Engineering: 1if viewing this through the assignment tool
Reference No:- TGS0333278

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