1.How much fertilizer product is needed to apply 1 lbs N/1,000 sq.ft. to a soccer field area 80,000 sq.ft with a 10-2-8 organic fertilizer Answer in lbs
2. How much fertilizer product is needed to apply 1 lbs N/1,000 sq.ft. to a soccer field area 80,000 sq.ft with a 22-3-11 synthetic fertilizer
3. How many 50lb bags of organic fertilizer are needed?
4. How many 50lb bags of synthetic fertilizer are needed?
5. If the organic fertilizer costs $26.00 per bag, how much does this fertilizer application cost?
6. If the synthetic fertilizer costs $15.00 per bag, how much does this fertilizer application cost?
7. Which fertilizer do you believe is more environmentally friendly and which is the most economical?