1. For the ER diagram you created in assignment, the artefact of the conceptual database design, map the ER model into the relational model according to how it was designed in the ER diagram. You may however first refine your ER diagram if necessary. The actual assessment of this part is in the point below.
2. For all the relations that arise from this ("first-cut") ER diagram, list all those that are already in 3NF. If there are some relations that are not in 3NF yet, then convert them into 3NF with proper procedure and explanations.
3. Draw the global relation diagram for your final, revised, and normalised database design, and keep all the relevant details there. It should be in a similar form to Figure of the textbook, but all the attributes should be kept there too. Include in the diagram all the primary keys, foreign keys, and the multiplicity constraints. Identify and discuss the potential data redundancies or anomalies that may still exist in your design, if any.