1. Find the stress in both members shown below.

2. What steel specifications (types of steel) are suitable for structural applications?
3. A round bar of AISI 1020 hot rolled, 1 inch in diameter and 20 inches long, is subjected to a tensile of load 10,000 lbs. Compute its elongation due to the stress.
4. A 1-inch square bar of A242 steel is 12 inches long and subjected to impact loading in tension of 10,000 lb. The elongation is limited to 0.3% of the total length. Compute the maximum allowable load.
5. A short post is made by filling a standard 8 x 8 x 1/2 structural steel tube with concrete. The steel has an allowable stress of 21,600 psi. The concrete has a rated strength of 5,000 psi but, in this application is to be limited to 2000 psi. See section 2-10 in your text for the modulus of elasticity for concrete. Compute the allowable compressive load for the post.
6. A drive shaft transmits 90 HP of power at 200 revolutions per minute. The drive shaft is 2 in. diameter and has a 1/8 in. deep groove that has a radius of 1/16 in. The groove has a 2 mm radius. Compute the torsional stress in the drive shaft.