
1decide what activates are defined as working not

1.Decide what activates are defined as working not working comprises all activities not specifically defined as working"

2. Observe the worker at selected intervals recording whether a person is working or not.

3.Calculate the portion P of time a worker is working as:

P = Number of observations during which working occurred/Total number of observation

This calculation can then be used as a performance standard:

Work sampling can also be used to set standard the procedure is similar to the one use in direct time studies. We can determine normal time as shown below and calculate standard times according to equation as above.

 Normal Time = Total Observation Time X percent of time worker observed Working X worker rating / Number of units produced

Work sampling is particularly adaptive to service sector jobs such as those in libraries banking health care insurance companies, and government. Accuracy of this techniques depends keenly upon sample size.

Advantage of Work Sampling over Conventional Work Measurement Methods

1. Economical to use and usually costs considerably less than a continuous time study.

2. Can be used to measure many activities that are impractical to measure by time study.

3. Not necessary to use a trained work measurement analyst to make the observations.

4. Measures the utilization of people an equipment directly.

5. Eliminates the necessity of using stop watch for measurements.

6.Work sampling measurements may b e made with a pre assigned degree of reliability.

7. Provides observation over a sufficiently long period of time to decrease the chance of day to day variation affecting the results.

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Management Theories: 1decide what activates are defined as working not
Reference No:- TGS0205407

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