1. According to a recent survey, 275 of 400 middle-aged Americans said they used the Internet regularly. 140 of 400 senior citizens said they used the Internet regularly. If we code middle-aged Americans as 1 and senior citizens as 0, the logistic regression model for senior citizens is

2. According to a recent survey, 275 of 400 middle-aged Americans said they used the Internet regularly. 140 of 400 senior citizens said they used the Internet regularly. If we code middle-aged Americans as 1 and senior citizens as 0, and the log odds for middle aged Americans is 0.788 and the log odds for a senior citizen is -0.619, the fitted logistic regression model is
A. log(ODDS) = -0.619 +1.407x.
B. log(ODDS) = -0.619 - 1.407x.
C. log(ODDS) = 0.788 - 0.169x.
3. According to a recent survey, 275 of 400 middle-aged Americans said they used the Internet regularly. 140 of 400 senior citizens said they used the Internet regularly. If we code middle-aged Americans as 1 and senior citizens as 0, we obtain the logistic regression equation log(ODDS) =
-0.619 +1.407x.
What is the odds ratio of middle-aged to senior citizens who use the Internet?
A. 0.538
B. 2.20
C. 4.084