

1. A baby throws a piece of ice at 0degree from a high chair. The ice travels down, and stops after it lands on the floor. You may define  your own parameters for heights and speeds. When constructing energy interaction diagrams below, clearly specify physical  system and interval. (Expressing the energy conservation equation in terms of ΔEs is sufficient.)
a) Choose a physical system and an interval. Describe the chosen process using an energy-interaction diagram. Explain briefly the energy systems you chose.
It might be helpful to read parts b) and c) before doing a). b) Using the same interval as defined in a), choose a different physical system. Draw and energy-interaction diagram, and  explain why it is different from a).
c) Using the same physical system as in a), choose a different interval, such that the energy systems involved will change.  Draw an energy-interaction diagram, and explain why it is different from a). 

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Physics: 1ababythrowsapieceoficeat0degreefromahighchairtheicetravelsd
Reference No:- TGS01005495

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