1. A sample of 50 male and 50 female infants were put on an experimental infant formula. After two weeks the parents of each infant were asked to fill out a questionnaire concerning infant satisfaction on the formula. One of the questions was "Did Baby Seem to Like the Formula?" with possible responses
1 - Like Very Much
2 - Like Somewhat
3 - Neutral
4 - Dislike Somewhat
5 - Dislike Very Much
The resulting data are presented below.
This is a
A. 2 x 2 table.
B. 2 x 5 table.
C. 5 x 2 table.
2. A sample of 50 male and 50 female infants were put on an experimental infant formula. After two weeks the parents of each infant were asked to fill out a questionnaire concerning infant satisfaction on the formula. One of the questions was "Did Baby Seem to Like the Formula?" with possible responses
1 - Like Very Much
2 - Like Somewhat
3 - Neutral
4 - Dislike Somewhat
5 - Dislike Very Much
The appropriate null hypothesis for this data is that
A. the distribution of parents' responses on this question is the same for male and female infants.
B. the distribution of gender is the same for each parents' response to this question.
C. gender and parents' responses on this question are independent.