
158254 software development lifecycle

Software Development Lifecycle Management
Assignment 1

This assignment focuses on requirements engineering. The context to this assignment is the development of a system that assists lecturers with the marking of assignments. Students submit such assignments to the Moodle learning management system (like you do when submitting your work to Massey’s Stream system). The system connects via a network to Moodle.

The system referred to is thought of as a system similar to Lightwork ( HYPERLINK "https://lightworkmarking.org" https://lightworkmarking.org), which we have used as a case study in our lectures. You can look at the Lightwork material to gain a better understanding of what this system should do. You can use the terms ‘lecturer’ and ‘marking assistant’ or ‘marking manager’ and ‘marker’ (as used in Lightwork).

Your tasks are:
Create a scenario ‘Release marking to Moodle for single student’ for the use case ‘Release marking to Moodle’.
Specify four non-functional requirements supporting this scenario (at least two of these should not already be indicated in the system requirements given below).
Specify two test cases for the scenario (at least one of these has to relate to your non-functional requirements).

Base your work on the following system requirements:

User Requirements Definition
The system shall allow lecturers to release marking to Moodle.

System Requirements Specification
Lecturers shall be able to release marking for selected students.
Marking includes the mark and a feedback file, generated by the system, for each student.
The new status of the marking has to be recorded as ‘Released’.
Only marking that is completed and quality checked, indicated by status ‘Ready for Release’ can be released.
Only lecturers (and not marking assistants) can release marking.

Please use the template attached to this assignment for your work.

The marking of your assignment work will consider the following:
Does your scenario take all information provided into account? Does it represent the requirements clearly?
Have you considered a wide variety of non-functional requirements? Do they make sense and are they clearly specified?
Would your test cases contribute to a systematic testing of the system? Are they clear enough to be followed by a tester?
Each of the three tasks will be marked with about equal weight.

This assignment is due on Thursday, 22nd March, 11pm. You must submit via Stream.
Template for Scenario

Use Case Name:
Release marking to Moodle
Release marking to Moodle for single student
Triggering Event:

Brief Description:





Flow of Events:

Exception Conditions:

Template for Non-Functional Requirements (A sentence or brief paragraph per requirement)

Template for Test Cases

Test Case Name:

Related Use Case:
Release marking to Moodle


Expected Outcomes:

(repeat as required)
Expected Outcomes:
(repeat as required)

EHeinrich, Assignment 1, 158.254, 2012 PAGE 2

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Computer Engineering: 158254 software development lifecycle
Reference No:- TGS0154269

Expected delivery within 24 Hours