120v 60 hz source is connected to a distribution line whose

120V, 60 Hz source is connected to a distribution line whose resistance, and inductive reactance is 0.001Ohm, j0.002 Ohm, respectively. Single phase, 10HP, 120V, 0.85 pf. motor and 4Kw, 120V heater are connected in parallel.
• current flowing in each load before connecting the capacitor and after connecting capacitor,
• Line losses before connecting the capacitor and after connecting capacitor,
• power factor of the source before connecting the capacitor and after connecting capacitor,
• Power consumed by the load before connecting capacitor and after,
• Total impedance of the circuit before connecting capacitor and after,
• The value of the capacitor to improve the power factor to unity. (connect the capacitor in parallel with the load to improve the power factor)

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Electrical Engineering: 120v 60 hz source is connected to a distribution line whose
Reference No:- TGS0625236

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