
12-2 given the same values as in the previous problem

12-2 Given the same values as in the previous problem, calculate Id for the enhancement mode only.

12-6 Using fig 12-49 find rd, Av and Vout if RD = 680Ω  and RL = 10KΩ

12-14 What is the LED current in fig 12-5 when VGS = 5V?

12-18 In fig 12-52b, the input voltage is low. What is the output voltage? If the input goes high. What is the output volatge?

12-22 A square wave with a peak value of 12V and a frequency of 1KHz is the in fig. Describe the output waveform.

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Other Engineering: 12-2 given the same values as in the previous problem
Reference No:- TGS01423400

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