
1 you will critically review 6 or more

1.  You will critically review 6 or more scholarly articles that inform the reader about your topic. You should have:

At least:
Two articles that describe the overall issue or problem

Two articles that analyze various treatments/interventions/therapies for your problem

Two of your choice (i.e. theoretical aspect, the target population, etc.)

Next, you will write one literature review. This is not an annotated bibliography. The format of your paper should follow four sections:

1.  Introduction: Give a quick idea of how you are structuring your literature review; Briefly describe your topic, the central theme and describe how you will organize your review.

2.  Main Theme/Debate: Give a thorough discussion of your articles;  Organize them some way (i.e. chronologically, thematically or methodologically)

3.  Conclusions and Recommendations: Discuss your conclusions from reviewing the literature so far. Be sure to address the following questions:

What were the main findings and recommendations of these articles? 
How do the conclusions/recommendations inform the problem, your main variables and the research question that you selected?

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Management Theories: 1 you will critically review 6 or more
Reference No:- TGS0221085

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