1 write a paragraph or two describing your

1) Write a paragraph or two describing your personality. Think about your quirks, oddities, and habits. How would your friends and family describe you? You do NOT have to diagnose yourself with a disorder, but can if you want.

2) Use three  theories of personality to explain how you developed your personality. There should be at least one paragraph for each theory.  Make sure you include the following concepts when applying the theories:

  • Freud (Psychoanalytic): Id/Ego/Super Ego, psychosexual stages, defense mechanisms
  • Allport (Trait): Cardinal/Central/Secondary traits/common..., "Big 5"
  • Rogers & Maslow (Humanistic): Possible, real and perceived, self, congruency, self-actualizing, hierarchy of needs
  • Bandura (Social-cognitive): Socially learned behaviors, how you evaluated what you saw, and then how you self-regulated (reciprocal determinism), Locus of Control, self-efficacy
  • Jung (Analytic): Personal unconscious, collective unconscious, shadow, persona, archetypes, anima, animus
  • Skinner (Behavioral): shaping behavior through conditioning: rewards and punishments, stimulus => response)

3) Now that you understand yourself a little better, let's see how you can "fix" yourself through the insight, talk therapies. Choose two of the therapies from either behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic/person-centered or cognitive to "experience" (do NOT use drug or group therapies). Each therapy should have its own paragraph. Be sure to include the following points in your discussion:

  • The goal of the therapy and how it applies to you
  • Techniques that would be used to achieve the goal (e.g. active listening, dream interpretation...)
  • Application of the techniques used (maybe a short dialogue between the patient (you) and the therapist (Freud, let's say))
  • How and why this technique would help achieve the goal

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English: 1 write a paragraph or two describing your
Reference No:- TGS0486186

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