1. Write a method to calculate the area of a circle. Return the area. Also write how this method would be called in your main method. Recall that Area = π * r2
2. Write a method to calculate the circumference of a circle. Return the circumference. Also write how this method would be called in your main method. Recall that Circumference = 2 * π * r
3. Write a method that calculates the quadratic formula (because there are two solutions the results of the equations must be calculated an output within the method. Therefore, the return value for this method is void). Also write how this method would be called in your main method. Recall the quadratic formula is as follows:

4. Write a method to determine whether or not two words are equal. Return true or false. Also write how this method would be called in your main method. Note that because you are not altering the string values, you may use the String class rather than the StringBuffer class.
5. Write a method that calculates the area of a triangle. Return the area. Also, write how this method would be called in your main method. Recall that the Area of a Triangle = ½ * base * height
6. Write a method that returns a result based on the following conditions given two integers, x and y: if x > y then return the sum of x and y (x + y) if x < y then return the difference of x and y (x - y)
Also write how this method would be called in your main method.
7. Write a method that returns a String reversed. That is, if the word is program, then the method will return margorp. Also write how this would be called in your main method.