
1 why is this a proper goal for coastal zone managers at

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) builds, operates, and maintains critical transportation and trade assets. Its network of aviation, rail, surface transportation and seaport facilities annually moves millions of people and transports vital cargo throughout the New York/New Jersey region.

The PANYNJ has just announced plans to construct an artificial island to build an airport in Long Island Sound as shown on the figure [Not really; although technically feasible, this is just a hypothetical, imaginary situation]. The airport would be linked to the closest land in CT and on Long Island by bridges or tunnels and to other destinations, like New York City, by fast ferry. 

Regardless of your personal opinion on whether or not this project is appropriate, you will be in charge of developing an EIS, starting with a scoping document.

1. Why is this a proper goal for coastal zone managers at PANY/NJ?  

2. Outline the topics of potential environmental impacts ?

3. Who might be the stakeholders in favor of this action? Why?

4. Who might be the stakeholders opposed to this action? Why?

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Biology: 1 why is this a proper goal for coastal zone managers at
Reference No:- TGS02429672

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