
1 why do we need to remove the variables with identical

1. Why do we need to remove the variables with identical values before constructing regression models?

2. Consider the following linear regression model:1 fit1 - lm ( fmv ~ . - recordID , data = dat10kTrain )

(a). Formate a general linear hypothesis in matrix to test whether the dummy variablesof product type jointly affect the fair market value.

(b). Write a piece of R code to test the general linear hypothesis at the 1% significancelevel.

3. Write a piece of R code to fit a quadratic trend in time model by incorporatingthe January effect to the USD/CAD exchange rates. Does the model indicate thatthe January effect exists?

4. Write a piece of R code to calculate the forecasts and the 95% predictioninterval of the USD/CAD exchange rates with a random walk model for 22 days. Plotthe forecasts and the upper and lower bounds of the prediction interval together in onefigure. (Hint: use a wide range for y axis, otherwise, the bounds of the prediction intervalare not shown in the figure.)

5. Write an R function with signature calAC(y, k) to calculate the lag k autocorrelation for a time series y. What is the output of the following call1 calAC ( rates $Rate , 1)

6. Write R functions to calculate the mean percentage error, the mean square error, and the mean absolute percentage error. Based on these measures, which one ofthe following models performs the best: AR(1), AR(2), ARIMA(2, 0, 2)?

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Business Management: 1 why do we need to remove the variables with identical
Reference No:- TGS01682536

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