Multiple Choice/ Choose one
1) Which of the following materials IS a mineral.
- sugar
- glass
- coal
2) Which of the following statements about phosphorus is FALSE?
- Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all life.
- Most phosphate reserves are found in sedimentary rocks.
- Anthropogenic (i.e., human) activity has disrupted the natural phosphorus cycle.
- Phosphorus is one of the most abundant elements in Earth's crust.
3)Which of the following is NOT a use of the rare earth elements (REEs)?
-fluorescent light bulbs
- agriculture
- automotive catalytic converters
- Magnets
4)Which of the following rare earth elements is of greatest importance to clean energy technologies, but also has the highest medium term supply risk?
- europium
- lanthanum
- samarium
- dysprosium
5) Which of the following statements is FALSE?
- Rare earth elements and REE resources are relatively common, but REE reserves are far more rare.
-The chemical similarity of the REEs makes processing and separating them extremely challening and expensive.
- The United States is the dominant REE producing nation in the world.
- REE deposits are commonly associated with laterite soils, and less commonly in sedimentary placer or igneous deposits.