Answer the following 5 questions in approximately 150 - 200 words per question. Be sure to address all parts of the question for credit. Use whatever methods or techniques you like to fully get your ideas across.Remember to cite the sources of any outside information you use. Please keep in mind that answers will be scored based on clarity, coherence, development of ideas, and the ability to engage the reader. You can list the question and then write your answer underneath or you can just put the number of the question next to each paragraph answer.
1. Where is home to you? What is it like?
2. What is your favorite word? Why?
3. How do you keep yourself going when things get tough?
4. How do you get someone to change their mind?
5. What is the difference between good writing and bad writing?
150 - 200 Words minimum per each question.
Please apply APA formatting and cite all sources utilized.