Match the following statements regarding typical biases experienced in performance evaluations AND what Google is assessing through the UFS Feedback Questionnaire.
1 When the overall impression of someone as amazing clouds judgment.
2 When the overall impression of someone as terrible prevents managers from assessing new evidence that might point to the contrary.
3 Tendency to remember the last few things an employee achieved and weigh them disproportionately over the entire evaluation period.
4 Giving too much or too little attention to a person's ability rather than assessing the situation or context that affected performance.
5 Rating employees "average" or close to the midpoint to avoid confrontation or difficult discussions.
6 Rating employees with incomplete information or the tendency to let an example that comes to mind easily guide decision making.
7 Google's UFS Feedback question which ask employees "my manager gives me actionable feedback that helps me improve my performance" is assessing a manager's
8 Google's UFS Feedback question which ask employees to comment on whether their manager gets involved in details that should be handled at other levels is assessing a manger's.
9 Google's UFS Feedback question which ask employees to assess their manager's ability to focus the team on deliverables is assessing a manager's ________.
Google's UFS Feedback question which ask employees to comment on how often their manager shares relevant information is assessing a manager's ______.
A.Attribution error
B.Communication skills - listen and share
C.Style which should be results oriented
D.Availability bias
E.Inclination to micromanage
F.Ability to coach
G.Horn effect
H.Halo effect
I.Central tendency error
J.Recency Effect