
1 what practice did puritan minister samuel sewell condemn

1. What practice did Puritan minister Samuel Sewell condemn as evidence of moral depravity?

A) Wearing black clothing instead of brightly colored fabrics
B) Reading novels, plays, and other forms of fiction
C) Donning powdered wigs in place of God-given hair
D) Reading the Bible without ministerial guidance

2. Women accused of practicing witchcraft were often

A) mothers.
B) married.
C) old.
D) poor.

3. What did a person's economic success signal to New England ministers?

A) A successful person was being rewarded for godly behavior.
B) Successful people were sinful and greedy.
C) Success was a sign of a person who had been chosen by God.
D) A successful person could give more to the church.

4. Puritan disagreement over the use of inoculations for smallpox signaled what greater debate?

A) Church versus state
B) Agriculture versus medicine
C) Science versus business
D) Faith versus science

5. What led Puritans to believe that Satan was in their midst?

A) Indian attacks on rural settlements
B) Crop failure year after year
C) Loss of wealth among merchants
D) Increase in church attendance

6. Women could be accused of witchcraft if they

A) did not regularly attend religious services.
B) challenged male relatives and neighbors for property.
C) were unable to recite the Lord's Prayer to perfection.
D) lived next door to another accused witch.

7. What kind of evidence did the girls in Salem present against the women they accused of witchcraft?

A) Spectral evidence
B) Forensic evidence
C) Spiritual evidence
D) Agricultural evidence

8. Witch-hunts were likely to occur in which region of colonial North America?

A) The South
B) The West
C) New England
D) Mid-Atlantic

9. In the seventeenth century, what larger forces led to a decrease in the number of eligible bachelors in New England?

A) Devout Puritan men swore off sex.
B) Some of the men preferred other men.
C) Many men went to sea for work.
D) Many men moved west in search of land.

10. Compared to witch-hunts in Europe, those in seventeenth-century North America were

A) smaller but more frequent.
B) smaller and less frequent.
C) larger and more frequent.
D) larger but less frequent.

11. How could servants or slaves who were being abused by their masters bring an end to the abuse?

A) By filing a complaint with a judge
B) By running away
C) By appealing to male leaders in the community
D) Through the intervention of the mistress

12. In early colonial communities from New England to the Chesapeake, many women gained economic and legal leverage because

A) colonists supported women's rights.
B) women and men were equal in the eyes of God.
C) they had to take care of many children.
D) there was a shortage of women and workers.

13. What special skill earned colonial women power in their household and the community?

A) Cooking
B) Sewing
C) Midwifery
D) Public Speaking

14. What led to a great decline in the value of women's labor near the end of the seventeenth century?

A) The number of young women increased.
B) Indentured servitude and slavery spread.
C) Families broke up due to war and other hardships.
D) Household technology advanced, requiring women to work less.

15. In colonial America, which class of families most eagerly tried to control the behavior of their sons and daughters to build commercial and political alliances?

A) Wealthy families
B) Middle-class families
C) Working-class families
D) Impoverished families

16. Which group of people had the lowest fertility rates in the eighteenth century?

A) Irish Americans
B) African Americans
C) Anglo Americans
D) German Americans

17. In the eighteenth century, which environment was a healthier place for female slaves to work?

A) Mid-sized towns
B) Small plantations
C) Large plantations
D) Seaport cities

18. What physical environment was most hazardous to the health of newborn babies in the eighteenth century?

A) Large plantations
B) Small towns
C) Family farms
D) Urban areas

19. How did men with children respond when their wives died in colonial America?

A) They remarried as quickly as possible.
B) They remained celibate for five years.
C) They gave the children over to the women in their wife's family.
D) They became stay-at-home dads.

20. In colonial America, why was gossip an important tool of self-defense for a woman who was being abused by her husband?

A) Newspapers regularly printed gossip columns.
B) A woman's word was more likely to be believed than a man's.
C) A wife had little chance of legal redress against her husband.
D) Gossip was more powerful than legal sanctions.

21. Which social group controlled the markets, political authority, and the courts during the colonial period?

A) Large landowners
B) Ministers
C) Colonial governors
D) Lawyers

22. Pennsylvania's founder, William Penn, belonged to which religious community?

A) Quakers
B) Moravians
C) Presbyterians
D) Lutherans

23. In the eighteenth century, to what did colonists attribute their living longer than their European counterparts?

A) Fresher air
B) Better diets
C) Cleaner water
D) Well-trained doctors

24. What was the result of natural reproduction, the immigration of children, and a healthier lifestyle in the eighteenth century?

A) More respect for women
B) High rate of infant mortality
C) Overcrowding
D) Youthful population

25. When Moravian, Scots-Irish, and German immigrants moved to settle on Indian land throughout rural Pennsylvania, what resulted?

A) European immigrants used their superior weaponry and killed the Indians.
B) Indians dictated the terms and only gave Europeans land with infertile soil.
C) The lines between Indian and European immigrant settlements blurred.
D) Boundaries between communities were strict and clearly marked.

26. What inspired large numbers of Scots-Irish to migrate to Pennsylvania in the 1720s and 1730s?

A) Lack of employment back home
B) Bad harvests and high rents back home
C) War with England
D) Religious freedom

27. How did conflicts within the Iroquois Confederacy in the eighteenth century enable English settlers in Pennsylvania to pry more land away from the Indians?

A) The English appealed to a weak chief and used him against the others to get land.
B) One chief did not hold up his side of the bargain within the Confederacy and was
forced to give up his land.
C) One Iroquois chief gave away some land to the English to prove his ownership and authority to the Delaware Indians.
D) While Indians fought each other, the English occupied their land and refused to move.

28. Why were there continual struggles and wars between English and Indians over land in eighteenth-century Pennsylvania?

A) The English hoped to convert Indians to Christianity.
B) The Scots-Irish and Germans set up the English to fight for them.
C) The English basically took what they wanted without permission.
D) The Indians wanted their land back after they gave it to the English.

29. How did the Scots-Irish Presbyterians differ from other European Christians in their relations with Indians?

A) The Presbyterians did not try to convert the Indians to Christianity.
B) The Presbyterians tried to convert the Indians to Christianity.
C) The Presbyterians introduced the Indians to multiple forms of Christianity.
D) The Presbyterians joined the Indians in practicing their native religion.

30. Where did Jewish American families mostly settle in the mid-eighteenth century?

A) Only in New York
B) Only in Pennsylvania
C) Small towns
D) Seaport cities

31. What central tenet of revivalist preaching marked the Great Awakening?

A) Stability
B) Tradition
C) Stoicism
D) Criticism of educated clergy

32. The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century was a

A) cultural movement that emphasized rational and scientific thinking.
B) religious movement that emphasized formal training and biblical literacy.
C) political movement that demanded more rights for women.
D) superstitious movement that embraced witches and other evil forces.

33. German Pietists migrated to Great Britain and North America during the Enlightenment and influenced many different groups of people with their core belief that spiritual life could be revived by

A) training more ministers.
B) having services every day instead of only Sunday.
C) restoring intensity and emotion to worship.
D) regular Bible study.

34. What group was especially welcome and celebrated by the outdoor revivals of the Great Awakening?

A) The poor, because traditional class hierarchies that ordered the church were absent
B) The wealthy, because the revivals were organized and sponsored by them
C) Catholics, because they were being left out of mainline Protestantism
D) Older men and women who were pushed aside by the church

35. What outrageous statement did radical New Light preacher James Davenport make in Boston in the early 1740s that led to his indictment by a Grand Jury?

A) That the British crown was immoral and unethical
B) That Boston's ministers were corrupt and incompetent
C) That the Anglican Church was racist and sexist
D) That Massachusetts colony was possessed by the devil

36. Why was the Great Awakening unable to be institutionalized into formal churches?

A) The ministers in charge did not want to start their own churches.
B) People wanted something different from institutionalized religion anyway.
C) The central tenets of the movement worked against its institutionalization.
D) Established ministers blocked the movement from growing.

37. In 1750 it became apparent that colonists had become used to religious diversity and toleration when Old and New Light ministers

A) defended the rights of Catholics to pray.
B) agreed to stop trying to convert Indians.
C) resisted the crown's appointment of an Anglican bishop.
D) formed a unified association of Protestants.

38. What was the lasting legacy of the Great Awakening on American Protestantism?

A) A style of passionate and popular preaching
B) A belief in equal rights for African Americans
C) A distrust of learned clergy
D) A widespread faith among the wealthy

39. Great Awakening preachers connected religious teachings to political philosophies by

A) preaching that church and state should be distinct.
B) inspiring the use of political documents as religious texts.
C) encouraging participants to vote for religious conservatives.
D) highlighting the democratic tendencies in the Bible.

40. What was one of the few colleges established in the seventeenth century in the colonies for the formal training of ministers?

A) Yale University
B) The College of New Jersey
C) Vanderbilt University
D) The College of William and Macy

41. Throughout the eighteenth century, which imperial power kidnapped men from North American seaport cities and forced them to serve in its navy?

A) France
B) Great Britain
C) United States
D) Dutch

42. In the eighteenth century, under what circumstances were women given a right to make their voice heard and participate in popular public protests?

A) When their husbands were given the right to vote
B) When the country was at war
C) When their children turned 18
D) When their grievances concerned domestic issues

43. What role did the Great Awakening have on colonial American political culture?

A) It called for greater separation between church and state.
B) It inspired free-thinking and rebellion against authority.
C) It led to a period of conservatism and repression.
D) It discouraged women from participating in politics.

44. Who maintained ultimate political authority over seventeenth-century colonial settlements?

A) The democratically elected governor
B) The wealthiest man in town
C) The king of Great Britain
D) The crown-appointed governor

45. How did English officials and wealthy colonists with power ensure the masses would defer to their authority?

A) By holding public elections by voice vote rather than secret ballot
B) By allowing only wealthy men to vote
C) By threatening the livelihoods and families of ordinary people
D) By holding private elections

46. Colonists in Boston rioted against impressments in 1747. Why was this important?

A) It ended the system of impressments.
B) It led the Royal Navy to impress men in Philadelphia rather than Boston.
C) It showed that colonists would fight against those who sought to deprive them of liberty.
D) It inspired men already in the Royal Navy to abandon their ships.

47. On what basis did Lewis Morris join other colonial elites in 1733 to work against the recently appointed governor of New York?

A) The governor planned to organize a cross-class alliance to advance his agenda.
B) The governor stood against the interest of elite New Yorkers.
C) The governor was an elitist who didn't understand life in the colonies.
D) The governor was tied to ministerial corruption in England.

48. In New York in 1734, the legal basis for a libel charge was if the published material

A) was untrue.
B) undermined government authority.
C) criticized any religion.
D) was slanderous and shameful.

49. What was the important result of Lewis Morris's political work in the 1730s?

A) British libel laws were changed.
B) Women were given the vote.
C) Morris was elected governor.
D) Ordinary freemen participated in elections.

50. What condition was necessary for ordinary freemen of lower and middle classes to successfully challenge the power of economic and political leaders in the eighteenth century?

A) Local elites had to be divided.
B) The governor wanted to undermine local elites.
C) Religious authorities were on the side of the ordinary freemen.
D) The British crown supported the ordinary freeman.

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