1 what is the market penetration rate based on potential

Allison has a horse stall cleaning business that has been growing rapidly since she started it three years ago. She estimates the total number of horse stalls in her market to be 5,000, owned by a total potential population of 1,500. Currently, there are only two competitors in the market, Allison, who has 673 stalls that she cleans, and Sam's Hayfaring Maneger, that cleans 1,260 stalls. The remainder of the stalls are cleaned by their owners rather than by a service. Allison prices her cleaning services at $12 per stall per month and Sam charges $8 for the same service. Allison's sales are derived from 149 customers while Sam's are from 58 customers, meaning that Sam's customers have more stalls on a per capita basis.

1. What is the market penetration rate based on potential customers?

2. What is Allison's unit market share (based on stalls cleaned)?

3. What are Allison's monthly revenues?

4. What is Allison's revenue market share?

5. What is Allison's relative market share based on units?

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Basic Statistics: 1 what is the market penetration rate based on potential
Reference No:- TGS02702649

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