1. What is the difference between a qualitative variable and a quantitative variable? When would each be appropriate?
2. What is the difference between discrete and continu- ous variables? Under what circumstances would each be applicable?The Acme School of Locksmithing has been accred- ited for the past 15 years. Discuss how this information might be interpreted as a
a. qualitative variable.
b. quantitative variable.
14Source: ESPN.com, June 19, 2009.
15Source: FedEx Corporation, 2008 Annual Report, p. 26.
3. Jeff Bowlen, a labor relations expert, has collected information on strikes in various industries.
a. Jeff says, "Industry A has been harder hit by strikes than Industry B." In what scale of measurement is this information? Why?
b. Industry C has lost 10.8 days per worker, while Industry D has lost 14.5 days per worker. In what scale of measurement is this information? Why?