Clinical Preparatory Forms
Antepartum or High-Risk
1. What does the term "high risk pregnancy" mean?
2. Choose 2 factors that place a woman at risk from the list below and briefly describe a, b, and c for each of your choices:
(a.) Pathophysiology
(b.) Management
(c.) Assessment
Multiple pregnancy, incompetent cervix, placenta previa, hyperemesis gravidarum, chronic hypertension, pregnancy induced hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, altered amniotic fluid balance, premature rupture of membranes, diabetes, congenital heart disease, asthma, pre-term labor, postpartum hemorrhage
(Note: This list is not all inclusive but is a sample of more common conditions observed in the antepartum unit.)
3. How do the emotional and educational needs of this patient vary?
4. What is the role of the family, and how does this setting and condition affect family dynamics?