
1 what does an instructional designer know2

1. What does an instructional designer know?

2. According to Reiser, what is the ?eld of instructional technology?

3. What are the historical and current perceptions of instructional technology?

4. Select two important milestones for the ?eld of instructional media and technology and discuss how they informed the ?eld?

5. ?What were some important impacts on the ?eld of instructional design?

6. How has instructional technology and design changed in the past century in terms of purpose, technology, reach, etc.?

7. What is the POET (psychology of everyday things)?

8. What were some major concepts in discussing design?

9. How do we evaluate an everyday thing based on affordances and constraints?

10. What are some challenges to good design?

11. What effects does bad design have on users?

12. How does the users' knowledge affect design, and how does good design support the limitations/weaknesses of users?

13. What is the evolutionary nature of design and what are some challenges to design?

14. How do we design to minimize 'errors?

15. What are the approaches to human-centered design?

16. What is "featuri0s"?

17. Why study the POET?

18. How can the POET Guide instructional design?

19. Define: education, teaching, instruction, learning, and training.

20. What is an instructional design model and why is it important?

21. According to Smith And Ragan, What are the main components of an instructional design model?

22. What is the relationship between ADDIE and the model presented in the book?

23. What Are the Relation ships betweeninstruc0onal design and theory, and why are those connec0ons important to the field?

24. Discuss the epistemology of constructivism, empiricism, and pragmatism and their rela0onship to instructional design?

25. What is front-end analysis and why is it important?

26. Describe each of the components that are analyzed in front-end analysis.

27. What are the learning goals?

28. How do we get students to achieve the learning goals?

29. How do we know when we will have achieved those learning goals

30. Why is analysis important in instructional design?

31. What else do we need to analyze?

32. What is assessment and why do it?

33. What is the relationship between assessment and learning and learning goals/objectives?

34. What makes a good assessment?

35. What are the differences between formative and summative assessment?

36. How does your lesson support a generative and/or supplantive learning environment?

37. How does your lesson implement some strategies for optimal instructional support and problem solving or attitudinal learning?

38. What is the relationship between task analysis and instructional strategy design?

39. Describe your application in terms of the following:

a.   Visibility

b.  Feedback

c.   Affordances

d.  Constraints

e.   Mapping

40. What is evaluation and why is it important in ID?

41. What is the difference between formative and summative evaluation?

42. How does valuations differ from assessment?

43. How does evaluation differ from research?

44. What is evaluation and how does it differ from research?

45. Why is evaluation important in instructional design?

46. When does a program evaluator get involved in the project?

47. According to Boulmetis and Dutwin, what are the three concepts relating to evaluation and what is their significance?

48.  What strengths do instructional designers have that allow them to design and conduct evaluation projects?

  1. What are the benefits and limitations of  evaluation?

50. What is an instructional design model?

51. Why are instructional design models important?

52. How did the Dick and Carey model come about?

53. What are some concerns regarding the Dick and Carey Model as well as instructional design in general?

54. Compare and contrast ADDIE, Events of Instruction, and Dick & Carey models.

55. How do they relate to the common ID components discussed in Andrews and Goodson?

56. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each model?

57. Which of these models is better?

58. What is the ASSURE model?

59. What assumptions does ASSURE have regarding learners and the learning environment?

60. How does ASSURE compare to ADDIE, Dick and Carey, and Events Of Instruction?

61. What is the ARCS model and what is the purpose of this model?

62. What is the relationship between motivation and learning, and the ARCS model?

63. How does the ARCS model guide instructional design?

64. What are the relationships between Software Engineering models and Instructional Design models?

65. As an instructional designer, what is your involvement with this agile software development process?

66. As an instructional designer for an eLearning company that follows an agile model of software development, how do you prioritize which user stories get implemented first?

67. What project management and instructional skills/tools are needed for successful instructional design project?

68. How are software engineering principle and methodologies applicable to instructional design?

69. Describe all components of psychology of every things (POET)and how they relate to instructional design?

Smith, P., & Ragan, T. (2005). Instructional Design (3rd Edition). Wiley/Jossey-BassEducation.

Norman, D. (2002). The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books.

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