Question: The River City Symphony's board of directors decided to use the summer months to stimulate interest in the upcoming fall and winter concert series.
They arranged for the symphony to present free open-air concerts in several area parks to give a "back-to-the-people" feeling to what had been considered a "highbrow" image.
1. Change the image of the symphony to make ordinary people feel comfortable attending concerts.
2. Sell 25% more season tickets.
3. Increase annual fund-raising by S50,OOO.
To accomplish its objectives, the symphony's board planned the following.
Strategies and Tactics 1 . Prepare Media Campaign.
a. News releases about the summer concerts
b. PSAs for radio about the concert series
c. PSA for TV; spot done by local university students
d. Talk show interviews with symphony director and key members
2. Develop an Advertising Campaign.
a. Print ads for local newspapers
b. Radio ads for local radio stations
c. Cable TV ads
3. Encourage Volunteer Assistance.
a. AARP to provide ushering
b. University music department to assist
c. University art department to help with meterials
4. Develop Informational Materials.
a. Summer series brochures
b. Summer series posters
c. Video: "Summer Symphony on Tour" Questions
1. What benchmark data would you need?
2. What would you measure in the preparation stage? The implementation phase? The impact phase?
3. How would you prepare the evaluation section for the symphony's public relations plan?