
1 what are three main sections of the report 2 review the


1. What are three main sections of the report?

2. Review the introductory section of the CAFR.

a. Was the entity's annual report of the previous yearawarded a ''certi?cate of achievement for excellencein ?nancial reporting'' by the Government FinanceOf?cers Association? What is the signi?cance of thisaward?

b. What are the key issues addressed in the letter oftransmittal?

3. Review the ?nancial section.

a. Which, if any, independent audit ?rm performed anaudit of the CAFR?

b. Did the entity receive an ''unquali?ed'' audit opinion? If not, why not?

c. Does the report contain management's discussionand analysis (MD&A)? If so, what are the key issuesaddressed?

d. Does the report provide a reconciliation betweentotal governmental net position per the government wide statement of net position and total governmental fund balances per the governmental funds balancesheet? If so, what are the main reconciling items?

e. What are the major governmental funds maintainedby the entity? Does the entity's fund structure conform to its organizational structure?

f. Does the report include ''required supplementaryinformation''?  If so, what are the main areasaddressed?

g. Does the report include ''combining statements''? Ifso, what is the nature of these statements?

h. Does the report include other supplemental information? If so, what types of information are in thissection of the report?

4. Review the statistical section.

a. What is the population of the entity beingreported on?

b. Who is the entity's major employer?

c. What types of information are included in the statistical section?

5. In which section of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) are the budget-to-actual comparisons of the major funds?

a. Which accounting basis did the City follow to prepare its annual operating budget?

b. Are the actual amounts on a GAAP or a budgetarybasis? Do the statements include a reconciliationof any differences between GAAP and budgetaryamounts?Ifso,whatarethelargestreconcileditems?

c. Are the reported variances based on the originalbudget or the year-end amended budget?

6. Does the CAFR include budget-to-actual comparisonsof no major funds? If so, in what section?

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Accounting Basics: 1 what are three main sections of the report 2 review the
Reference No:- TGS01121552

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