1. What are the uses of decision analysis?
2. What are the limitations of decision analysis?
3. List the elements of a decision problem, and explain how they interrelate.
4. What is the role of probabilities in a decision problem, and how do these probabilities arise?
5. What is a decision tree?
6. During the Super Bowl, a 30-second commercial costs $2.5 million.7 The maker of Doritos corn chips was considering purchasing such an ad. The marketing director felt that there was a 0.35 probability that the commercial would boost sales volume to $20 million over the next month; there was a 0.60 probability that excess sales would be $10 million; and a 0.05 probability that excess sales would be only $1 million. Carry out an analysis of whether to purchase a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl using a complete decision tree.