
1 what advice would you give to may phelps 2 how would you

Top Executive

May Phelps has been a top executive for three years now. When she obtained the posi- tion, she felt that her ultimate career goal had been achieved. Now she was not so sure. Surprisingly, she discovered myriad constraints limiting her discretion and initiative. For example, the job had so many demands and details associated with it that she never had time to engage in any long-term planning. There always seemed to be one more crisis that demanded her attention. Unfortunately, most of the constraints were from sources she couldn't control, such as government regulations, demands for greater accountability made by the board of directors and by stockholders, union relationships, equal opportu- nity statutes, and so on. She had built her reputation as a successful manager by being entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative, but none of those qualities seemed appropriate for the demands of her current work. Furthermore, because she was so mired in opera- tions, she had become more and more out of touch with the information flow in the orga- nization. Some things had to remain confidential with her, but her secrecy made others unwilling to share information with her. She had assistants who were supposed to be monitoring the organization and providing her with information, but she often felt they only told her what she wanted to hear. 

May had begun to hear rumors that certain special-interest groups were demanding her removal from the top job. She responded by becoming more dictatorial and defensive, with the result that the organization was becoming more control-oriented and conserva- tive. She felt that she was on a downward spiral, but she couldn't find a way to reverse the trend. "I always thought the saying 'It's lonely at the top' was just a metaphor," she mused.


1. What advice would you give to May Phelps?


2. How would you enhance the power base of May Phelps?


3. Which influence strategy is most appropriate for each situation?


4. Identify specific actions for implementing your general strategy?

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Business Economics: 1 what advice would you give to may phelps 2 how would you
Reference No:- TGS02716395

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