Human Resources Management
1. This question, What's in your trunk?, has been used by interviewers. Think about your answer before you read below.
As much as I might be tempted to say "a bloody axe, bleach, and a body" (just because I think the question is off base), there probably are much better answers:
An emergency kit, a jack, blankets, flares, etc. which would demonstrate preparedness and organization.
But what if you said a stroller, a wheelchair, or my husband's gym bag? Could this create a discussion that borders into dangerous waters for an interviewer?
2. Here are some questions from Google & Microsoft:
1. Using a 4 minute hourglass and a 7 minute hourglass, measure exactly 9 minutes with the process taking longer than 9 minutes. (Google)
2. You're in a car with a helium balloon on a string tied to the floor. The windows are closed. When you step on the gas, what happens to the balloon? does it move forward, backward, or stay put? (Microsoft)
3. A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened? (Google)
4. You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and thrown into a blender. The blades are about to start. What do you do? (Google)
These questions would trip me up. It's like a game of matching wits with your interviewers.
Please share your thoughts on the difficulty, purpose, and reaction to these questions.