
1 the two-way anova non-orthogonal case has been

1. The two-way ANOVA, non-orthogonal case, has been a vexing problem for ANOVA researchers for many years.  Please answer the following questions concerning the two-way non-orthogonal ANOVA.

a. Explain the meaning of the word non-orthogonal.

b. What condition(s) must exist for non-orthogonality to occur?  Be specific. 

c. Why is the non-orthogonal ANOVA more difficult than the orthogonal ANOVA?

d. What is a Type I effect for the main effects of A and B in terms of model comparisons?

e. What is a Type II effect for the main effects of A and B in terms of model comparisons?

f. What is a Type III effect for the mains effects of A and B in terms of model comparisons?

g. What assumption is made for a Type II effect or Type II means to be legitimate?

h. What assumption is made for a Type I effect or a Type I mean to be legitimate?

i. What is the equivalent problem in regression?


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Microeconomics: 1 the two-way anova non-orthogonal case has been
Reference No:- TGS0209414

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This assignment is written in word document, it is based on the comparison of different types of anova mainly non orthogonal anova and finding the short comings of the model.Thisis original work

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