1. The contraption below has a face cam with an elliptic pro?le pushing a push rod against a spring. The face cam is spinning at a slow Ω = 60 rpm. The mass, m, of the system is 40 kg. The upper spring has constant, k1 = 6000 N/m, while the lower spring has constant, k2 = 3000 N/m. The damper has a coef?cient of 240 N-s/m. The equation of motion is given by

1.a. Sketch (with scaled axes) the frequency response of the system. Overlay the frequency spectrum of the excitation.
1.b. As you start the system up, increasing Ω from 0 to 60 rpm, what speeds are most likely to excite large amplitude response? Why?
1.c. Plot the steady state motion of the block caused by the excitation over one period.
1.d. Estimate (using a plot) the maximum force transmitted to the ?oor.