1 the closed-loop transfer function of a system is ts 111s

1. The closed-loop transfer function of a system is T(s) = 11.1(s +18)/ ((s + 20)(s2 + 4s +10))

Plot the poles and zeros of this system and discuss the dominance of the complex poles. What overshoot for a step input do you expect?

2. A unity feedback control system has the loop transfer function: L(s) = Gc(s)G(s) = K/(s(s +sqrt(2K))

Determine the percent overshoot and settling time (using a 2% settling criterion) due to a unit step input. For what range of K is the settling time less than 1 second?

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Electrical Engineering: 1 the closed-loop transfer function of a system is ts 111s
Reference No:- TGS0562857

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