1. The bilateral agreement has enabled China and South Korea an increase in trade and an increase in trade deficit for the United States; what are the advantages and disadvantages for the United States to continue these relationships with the bi-lateral agreements?
2. With regards to the various agreements/treaties discussed, EU, WTO, NAFTA, CARICOM, APEC, MERCOSUR and ASEAN:
- Need to discuss any pending applications, candidate countries, or associate members.
- What are the advantages/implications for trade within the trading group and for the United States?
- Determine the GDP and GNP of those pending countries.
- Based upon your assessment, do
Text Book
Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H., & Sullivan, D. P. (2015). International business: Environments and operations (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.