
1 staff staffid --gt availabilityid2 services

1. Staff (staffID --> availabilityID)

2. Services (servicesID --> itemBasedID --> timedBasedID)

3. TimedBased (timedbasedID--> priceid)

4. Clients (clientId, serviceId--> bookingId)

The bookingID is fully functionally dependant on the clientId and serviced because the clientID says which client the booking is for and the serviceID is what service the client has booked that time.

5. Clients (rclient --> clients )

The clients are partially dependant on rclient as it needs some attributes to find the client (using a query) but not all the attributes.

6. Bookings (bookingID --> staffID --> clientID --> venueID --> serviceID --> paymentID);

7. Parlour (parlourID --> staffID);

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Database Management System: 1 staff staffid --gt availabilityid2 services
Reference No:- TGS0219481

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