1 services differ from manufactured products in four ways

1. Services differ from manufactured products in four ways. Intangibility, Inseparability, Perishability and _______________?

a) homogeneity

b) heterogeneity

c) intractability

d) invisibility

2. The Servuction model recognizes that operations can process customers through their infrastructure or through their ___________?

a) performance

b) procedures

c) staff

d) systems

3. The extent to which a product or service may be customized is called _____________?

a) variability

b) validity

c) variety

d) variation

4. The size of the product range or number of services offered is called _____________?

a) variability

b) validity

c) variety

d) variation

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Business Management: 1 services differ from manufactured products in four ways
Reference No:- TGS01396701

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