
1 revise using feedback from the professor and classmates

Assignment 4: Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution and Advantages

Using feedback from your professor and classmates, revise Part 1 and develop the solution and identify the advantages of the solution. Note: The disadvantages or challenges with your answers will be in Part 3.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Provide Part I: Revision of A Problem Exists (3-4 pages)

1. Revise, using feedback from the professor and classmates, your Persuasive Paper Part I: A Problem Exists.

Develop Part 2: Solution to Problem and Advantages (3-4 pages for 6-8 pages total)

2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement clearly in the first paragraph. (The thesis statement may need to be modified to reflect added information and purpose of this part.)

3. Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

4. State, explain, and support the first advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

5. State, explain, and support the second advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

6. State, explain, and support the third (and fourth if desired) advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

7. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences.

8. Provide a concluding paragraph / transitional paragraph that summarizes the proposed solution and its advantages.

9. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

10. Use one (1) or more rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos) to explain advantages.

11. Support advantage claims with at least three (3) additional quality relevant references. Use at least six (6) total for Parts 1 and 2. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Comments from the professor on the first draft.

Johnnathan, thanks for your efforts on the first version of your essay. As you continue to work on your essay, I would like to see you work on your citations. Make sure you go through your essay and check for missing in-text citations. Also, in your body paragraphs, make sure you have a concluding sentence. Also work on adding more development to your conclusion. Otherwise, you were on the right track. Please see my comments on your draft, and let me know if you have any questions. 

English 215: Research and Writing


Johnnathan C. Johnson

Prof. Holly Sprinkle

November 1, 2015



Should taxes on alcohol and tobacco be increased to facilitate paying for rising medical costs?

This is a very interesting topic with a lot of concern from not only the government but nearly all the citizens of this country. The use of alcohol and tobacco is harmful to a person's health. Its significance in health care unit makes this topic of special concern since its every government's responsibility to ensure a healthy nation. The use of tobacco is linked to several types of cancer in addition to significance contribution to development of heart disease in the individual using it and greater risk to the passive smokers (Testino G, 2008).  To reduce their consumption rate in the population, it's crucial to impose higher taxes on these commodities and use that revenue in developing the healthcare system of the country. Alcohol abuse and misuse has led to tragic road traffic accidents and health complications to the individuals taking it. Most cases of domestic violence in the country are fueled by the use of alcohol. Heart diseases are associated to alcohol and this condition is among the top diseases causing the most death in the United States (Kelly, JH, Sabete, J, 2006). This topic is therefore, of great importance as it will help find ways of dealing with these substances and try to control their supply in the market as it will help lower the incidences of the health effects associated with them (Janice Raymond, 2012). The cost of stopping addiction in these individuals is far much expensive and I would recommend taxes imposed on them to be increased to reduce their consumption and enlighten the citizens on the health effects associated to these substances (Beirut LJ, et al.,2000).

My audience starting with law makers that is the senate and other institution that are capable of passing this law are very positive on this issue and are trying hard to make sure that this is made a law to protect the wider nation. The senate is able to make this proposition a law if


they agree and the president signs it. Several talks are ongoing in the government to raise taxes on these commodities so as to fund Medicare. Non-Profit Organizations have the power of pushing the government to greater length to ensure this topic is well handled and views well explained since it's for the benefit of the nation. The great influence these organizations has on the people is good enough to persuade the government to pass it as a law (Kusher MG, March 2000).

This research paper will cover key elements concerning these alcohol and tobacco use in the country. The health and economic impacts of the use of these two commodities will be analyzed carefully to help come up will the best conclusion on the topic. The major sections will be: (1) introduction which will provide the overview of statistics on alcohol use and abuse and tobacco use

(2) Health impacts of alcohol and tobacco use

(3) Economic impacts of alcohol and tobacco use in the country

(4) Importance of increasing tax on these items and its impact to health care industry

(5) Conclusion

The major questions that directs this paper is: (1) is alcohol and tobacco use harmful to people's health? Answer. Yes. Alcohol abuse can result to liver cirrhosis and is linked to heart disease. Drunk individuals can cause road traffic accidents which can injure or even kill them or other people in the scene of accident. (2) Can increasing taxes on these commodities help improve medical care as well as reduce the consumer rate of these products? Answer. This action is true and since the amount of money got from revenue of these commodities is high, health care


will benefit through infrastructure development and the quality of healthcare improve. The increase in the cost of these commodities will prevent many individuals from accessing them hence reduce their consumption rate (Gaziano, JM, 2008).

This research will be done within 3 weeks' time with the literature review given much of the priority in order to beat the timeline. The information required will be obtained from relevant texts books, journals and electronic sources and online materials to support my literature.


Kelly, JH, Sabete, J (2006). Nuts and coronary heart disease: an epidemiological perspective. Br J Nutr. 96, S61.

Djousse, L, Gaziano, JM (2008): Alcohol consumption heart failure: a systematic review. CurrAtheroscler Rep. 10, 117

Mahan, L. K., Sylvia Escott-Stump, Janice Raymond. (2012). Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 13th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company.

Kusher MG, Abrams K, Borchardt C. (March 2000). The relationship between anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorders: a review of major perspectives and findings. Clin Psychol Rev 20 (2): 149-71.

Testino G (2008). Alcoholic diseases in hepato-gastroenterology. Hepatogastroenterology 55 (82-83): 371-8.

Beirut LJ, Schuckit MA, Hesselbrock V, Reich T (2000). Co-occurring risk factors for alcohol dependence and habitual smoking. Alcohol Res Health 24 (4): 233-41.

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