1. Repeat Problem 7.11 for the case when the boundary layer is tripped to a turbulent condition at its leading edge.
2. Consider a flat plate subject to parallel flow (top and bottom) characterized by uoo = 5 m/s, Too = 20°C.
(a) Determine the average convection heat transfer coefficient, convective heat transfer rate, and drag force associated with an L = 2-m-long, w = 2-m- wide flat plate for airflow and surface temperatures of Ts = 50°C and 80°C.
(b) Determine the average convection heat transfer coef- ficient, convective heat transfer rate, and drag force associated with an L = 0.1-m-long, w = 0.1-m-wide flat plate for water flow and surface temperatures of Ts = 50°C and 80°C.