
1 propose a research question related to our studies there

Identifying Research Questions and Variables


1. Propose a research question related to our studies. There are several examples listed below - you may use one of those if you wish or propose your own
2. Identify the independent variable and the dependent variables
3. Suggest an hypothesis
4. Specify how the independent and dependent variables will be defined

Research Question:
After you select a basic topic, you need to develop a research question that expresses what you intend to study. It should include independent and dependent variables, which are discussed below. One easy way to begin the development of a research question is to simply state your topic idea as a question. For example: Topic - I'm interested in finding out if race impacts prison sentence length. Research Question: Does race impact prison sentence length? Then refine the question: Do African-American non-violent felons' receive longer prison sentences than their White non-violent counterparts?

Independent and Dependent Variables:
The independent variable is the social element that varies and may impact the dependent variable, such as race or age.

The dependent variable is the social element that varies based on how the independent variable interacts with it, such as prison sentence length.

I think of it like this: The dependent variable depends on the independent variable.

1. A convicted felons' prison sentence length (dependent variable) may vary by felons' race (independent variable). The prison sentence length depends on the race of the felon.
2. A convicted felons' prison sentence length (dependent variable) may vary by felons' economic class (dependent variable). The prison sentence length depends on the economic class of the felon.
3. Compared with men (independent variable), women (independent variable) receive lighter prison sentences (dependent variable) for the same offenses.
4. Juvenile offenders sentenced to juvenile facilities (dependent variable) are more likely to have committed a violent offense (dependent variable) when compared with non-violent juvenile offenders (independent variable).
5. Black juveniles and adults (independent variable) are more likely to have criminal justice contact (dependent variable) than White juveniles and adults (independent variable).
6. Black juvenile offenders (independent variable) are waived to adult court (dependent variable) more often than White juvenile offenders (independent variable).

An hypothesis is essentially a guess about how the independent variable(s) will impact the dependent variable(s). For example, I hypothesize that women receive lighter prison sentences when compared with men. Another example: I hypothesize that Black juveniles have more contact with the juvenile justice system than White juveniles.

Specify How Variables Will Be Defined:
This is your sample of examination. For example, if I wanted to know whether Black juveniles have more contact with the juvenile justice system than White juveniles I would need to specify (1) Location to be examined - rural, urban, or suburban locations? (2) What counts as a juvenile justice contact? In this case, I would measure arrests of juveniles as the indicator of amount of juvenile justice contact. I would define a juvenile as any person under the age of 18 years.DISCLAIMER: "Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results."

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Dissertation: 1 propose a research question related to our studies there
Reference No:- TGS01408362

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