1. Please put these on a linear graph with years on the x-axis and expense on the y-axis. I need a projection of this graph up to 2018. Needs to be done so that it can be copied in the words documents
2011-83, 712, 158
2012-90, 307,001
2013-need projection
2014-need projection on graph
2015-need projection on graph
2016-need projection on graph
2017 -need projection on graph
2018-need projection on graph
2. I need another linear graph with years on the x-axis and number of patients on the y-axis. I need to see the projections of 2017 and 2018
Year2015 = number of patients 28200
Year- 2016= no patients 26590
Year 2017-projection needed
Year 2018?-projection needed