
1 modeling of armature and field controlled dc

1. Modeling of Armature and Field Controlled DC motors: Steady state and dynamic models; development of block diagrams;  assumptions used; complexity involved in realistic models; various solid-state controls.

Each student is required to develop the dynamic model of a separately excited dc motor (with armature and field controlled provisions) to investigate the dynamic/transient performances of the motor under various operating conditions. He/she is also required to select a suitable motor with appropriate numerical parameters for simulation studies.

2. Simulation: Implement the dynamic model developed in step 1  in MATLAB/SIMULINK or any other suitable simulation software to obtain  the dynamic/transient responses under following conditions:

(a) Starting (no-load and load conditions)

(b) Sudden change (increase/decrease) in load torque

(c) Voltage dips for a short duration

(d) Armature voltage control operation

(e) Field control operation

The purpose of the task is to give students an opportunity to develop modeling and simulation skills required in dealing with dynamic performance of dc machines. The deliverables of the task are the dynamic responses of the motor  (such as  current, speed, torque, etc.)  for various conditions with critical analysis. The  abnormalities (especially in armature current)  observed  during simulations should also be discussed with the suggestions of possible remedies.

The report of  the  assessment  must have the following format: title, abstract, list of contents, introduction, main body with numerical results and graphical illustrations, conclusions, references and an appendix which must include the source code for the simulation programs or the MATLAB/SIMULINK diagram.

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Electrical Engineering: 1 modeling of armature and field controlled dc
Reference No:- TGS0209270

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