1. List the following 10 attributes in the order you consider them necessary for the role of operations manager: people skills; eye-for-detail; mathematical skill; strategic thinker; flexible; hard working; well qualified; good communicator; innovative; good negotiator.
Answer: No perfect answer here. I hope you reflected on the demanding role of operations management and the need for multiple managerial skills and a sound education. This reflects on the need for improved educational and professional qualifications. I hope you thought all of the skills important. There is a good deal of research which shows that all managers spend a large portion of their time relating to staff. Therefore if we had to complete the question, the answer would certainly have 'people skills' at the top; next to that, perhaps strategic thinker. This is because the environment is changing so rapidly that there is a need of managers who can respond quickly. This means they have to simultaneously see why change is an imperative, and how to change.