
1 is taxing drivers on mileage more fair than taxing them

Writing Essay:

1. Is taxing drivers on mileage more fair than taxing them on amount of gas consumed?

2. What is the role of guns on college campuses?

3. How would Americans react to the option of a pig organ transplant?

Each essay need 750 words and follow the request. Below.



  • Keep in mind the basic components of an essay: an introduction with a clear thesis statement, a body with two or three thoughtful and developed points, and a conclusion.
  • The graders will evaluate how well you answer the question posed in the prompt and also how you organize your ideas within the paper.
  • The graders like to see transitions that show how your ideas connect to each other on a sentence level and between paragraphs.
  • If you like, you can paraphrase or quote information from the topic in your essay, but it is not required. You do not need to include a works cited page.

Written English Skills

Graders evaluate a variety of written English skills, including, but not limited to:

  • Vocabulary and word choice
  • Tone (which should be academic not conversational - no slang, no contractions, no writing "I think," "I feel," or "In my opinion", no referring to the reader as "you," etc.)
  • Syntax (which generally means that your nouns and pronouns and nouns and verbs agree with each other), sentence structure, and sentence variety
  • Punctuation, capitalization, apostrophes
  • Spelling. The spell check and grammar check features of Word have been disabled, so you have a dictionary and thesaurus for reference. Spelling errors are primarily reflected in only one of the six grading categories (conventions), and readers know that even well written essays will have spelling errors.

Additional Comments

  • Quickly skim the topics and identify the question being asked in each. Then read only the topic or two which most appeal to you.
  • Choose only one topic/prompt, and write only one essay.
  • You do not need to write the prompt/question on your paper.
  • Plan your essay points, write your essay, and then REVISE your essay!
  • You may not use any resources to write your essay except the prompt you select, your personal knowledge, and a dictionary. You are not allowed to do any research or use online resources.
  • Write 750 words or about three double-spaced pages. More than 700 words is probably adequate; no one wants you to write two sentences of "filler" to pad your paper. But fewer than 700 words is not enough.

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Dissertation: 1 is taxing drivers on mileage more fair than taxing them
Reference No:- TGS01398881

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