
1 insertlt1 vipin 20 mayur

(1)     Insert<1, 'Vipin', 20, 'Mayur Vihar'> into PERSON

Violated constraint: - Key constraint

Reason: - Primary key 1 already exists in PERSON.

Dealing: - DBMS could ask the user to provide valid PERSON_ID value and accept the insertion if valid PERSON_ID value is provided.


(2)     Insert<'null', 'Anurag', 25, 'Patparganj'> into PERSON

Violated constraint: - Entity Integrity constraint

Reason: - Primary key is 'null'.

Dealing: - DBMS could ask the user to provide valid PERSON_ID value and accept the insertion if valid PERSON_ID value is provided.


(3)     Insert<'abc', 'Suman', 25, 'IP college'> into PERSON

Violated constraint: - Domain constraint

Reason: - value of PERSON_ID is given a string which is not valid.


(4)     Insert <10, 'Anu', 25, 'Patpatganj'> into PERSON

Violated constraint: - None

Note: In all first three cases of constraint violations above DBMS could decline the insertion.

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Database Management System: 1 insertlt1 vipin 20 mayur
Reference No:- TGS0208834

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