
1 in exogenous cuing the orienting of attention to the cue

1. In exogenous cuing, the orienting of attention to the cue is driven primarily by theparticipant's goals.TRUE or FALSE

2. Frontal eye field of the human brain is responsible for voluntary movement of the eye.TRUE or FALSE

3. Semantic memory is a kind of declarative memory that concerns events we recall fromour own lives.TRUE or FALSE

4. Patient H.M. who suffer memory problem has damage primarily in his frontal lobe.TRUE or FALSE

5. Listening to a sentence like "He spread the warm bread with socks" will evoke a P600brain potential.TRUE or FALSE

6. Wernicke's area is located at the junction of the frontal lobe and parietal lobe.TRUE or FALSE

7. Chinese has a more "transparent" mapping between sounds and spelling compared toEnglish.TRUE or FALSE

8. The brain region of intra-parietal sulcus (IPS) has been implicated as the neuralsubstrate for number meanings in human.TRUEor  FALSE

9. McCloskey's model of numerical cognition proposed that number size is represented asbase--10 units (divisible into 10s, 100s, 1000s, etc.).TRUE or FALSE

10 units (divisible into 10s, 100s, 1000s, etc.).TRUE FALSE210. Subitizing is the ability to perform addition and subtraction without formal knowledgeof arithmetic.TRUE or FALSE

1. What are pop-out search and conjunction search? 

2. What is "Encoding specificity hypothesis"?

3. What are three stages of memory ? 

4. What is the McGurk illusion?

5. In numerical comparison task, what are Distance Effect and Size Effect? Please provide atleast one example.

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Science: 1 in exogenous cuing the orienting of attention to the cue
Reference No:- TGS02664532

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