
1 halophytes are plants that live in moist soils with high

PLEASE SOLVE THE PROBLEMS WITH "correct" answers, instead of just writing answers. THANKS!

(1) Halophytes are plants that live in moist soils with high salt concentrations. Despite being surrounded my water, halophytes are often referred to as "salty desert" plants. Explain why they are given that name.

(2) High salt concentrations can be toxic to plants as they have the potential to disrupt essential cell funtions. Yet many halophytes sequester high amount of salt in their vacuoles, while also metablozing amino acids and carbohydrates for deposition in the cytoplasm. Explain why it would be adaptive for halophytes to accumulate salt and why releasing organic compounds in the cytoplasm is necessary for proper water balance in the cells.

(3) You are interested in plant life history evolution, You come across a population of the California poppy that i spolymorphic (mixed) for both iteroparous ans semeparous individuals. You would like to use established models from life history theory to design experiments to provide you with the necessary data so you can predict whether semelparity or iteroparity will come to dominate that population in the future (assuming the environment rematins constant). Using what you know about the demographic theory, what are the factors that you would need to measure to be able to make such a prediction.

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Biology: 1 halophytes are plants that live in moist soils with high
Reference No:- TGS02142169

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